Monday, October 21, 2013

Benefits of Action Research

How Action Research Helps Educators.

How can action research help us as educators in the classroom? Action research is unique in its own way. According to the reading, the best way for researchers to learn something new about a topic of study is to become involved in it themselves. We learn best when we apply what we have learned to our daily lives, or by experiencing it ourselves. Action research can be very effective because it asks the researchers to deeply examine and analyze data collected from studies concerning the topic of study. In my personal opinion, educators can benefit from action research because it allows us to actually sit down and assess a problem, its causes and effects, and hopefully brainstorm a solution to remedy an ongoing problem in our classrooms. If we were to research, our most useful tool for the study is our students in the classroom. All that is needed is patience and the determination to see the study through.
         As for myself, I have never been involved in an actual research, but I did try some of the things expected of action researchers. I never laid out a plan of study, but I did assess my students according to what I believe was a problem in my classroom like reading comprehension. I not only observed my students learning in the classroom, but I also sat down and reviewed my teaching methodologies. I never saw it through, but it is an experience that could have made a big difference for me and my work. Like any other studies, action research also comes with many doubts. How do I know that my study is complete and accurate? How long does it take for me to say that I have studied enough? How do I measure if my data and results are accurate? Other than that, action research can definitely make an impact in our schools if used properly.